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In 2023, Avril turns 40 !

An occasion to celebrate an extraordinary adventure.

Discover the origins of Avril through the eyes of Jean-Claude Sabin co-founder of Avril with Philippe Tillous-Borde.
Discover the origins of Avril through the eyes of Jean-Claude Sabin co-founder of Avril with Philippe Tillous-Borde.

Once upon a time, there was…

Avril, at the heart of plant processing.

Avril is celebrating its 40th anniversary.

40 years of life, passion, determination.

It’s much more than an anniversary, it’s an opportunity to celebrate an extraordinary adventure, initiated by the agricultural community and by a handful of women and men committed to food sovereignty.

Through their love for the land, our shared heritage.

A collective tale, made up of values and know-how, audacity and innovation.

All together, hand-in-hand, from field to plate, from A through to Z, to make this vegetable protein and oil-sector Group what it has become today.

And what it will continue to be tomorrow: inventive, visionary and of use to as many people as possible.

Avril, remaining forever true to its origins yet absolutely open to the world, is a totally one-of-a-kind Group.

A Group that embraces a purpose, a reason for being, firmly embodied by a powerful belief: serving the Earth.

Find out more

Clean Truck Campaign: reducing health risks safely
Vovolt, an intrapreneurship project for responsible agrivoltaics.
Animal and Farmer Well-being: One Cannot Exist Without the Other!
Avril, there is another way.